Wellness Exams:

Pets age faster than people, so regular veterinary care is very important for your pet’s health. In addition, your pet cannot tell you how they are feeling and it’s natural for pets to mask their illnesses as a means of self-protection. Sometimes the only way to tell if your pet is not well is through a veterinary examination. Either an annual visit or a twice-a-year visit for pets over age seven is important to ensure your pet is healthy and to detect any illness as early as possible. Our doctors perform a tip-of-the-nose to tip-of-the-tail exam. We may recommend regular blood work or urinalysis to assess organ function. Our client service representatives are available to help you schedule appointments according to your pet’s needs.


More than 10 million pets get lost each year and 90% will not return home without effective identification. A microchip can help to ensure your pet’s protection and safety for his/her lifetime if ever lost and then found. At Babcock Hills, we use the HomeAgain microchip. This microchip (about the size of a grain of rice) will get inserted under the skin of your pet, in between their shoulder blades. Once inserted, it becomes immediately active with a unique number that will be registered to your pet. HomeAgain will contact you to complete the registration and confirm your information is correct. This information can be updated as your family moves throughout your pet’s life.

The City of San Antonio approved an ordinance amendment (effective 4/30/2015) making a registered microchip the primary means of licensing for pets living within the San Antonio city limits. All dogs, cats, and ferrets residing in San Antonio city limits must have a microchip and the microchip must be properly registered with the microchip company and with the current ownership information.

Canine Vaccinations

At Babcock Hills Veterinary Hospital, we understand your dog is a valued member of the family. For this reason we highly advocate preventative care or wellness care measures for pet owners. One crucial way to protect your dog is to vaccinate him or her against threatening deadly viruses and diseases to his or her health. It is important that you provide your canine friend with routine vaccinations at multiple points during his or her life. Here at Babcock Hills, a veterinarian on our trusted team can ensure that your dog receives the necessary protection.

You may not be aware of exactly how vaccinations work or how often your dog needs vaccinations. Our staff is here to answer any questions you have and establish a vaccination schedule for your dog. By administering vaccines, our veterinarians are able to ensure your dog builds up immunity to the threatening canine diseases and viruses.

This is especially important for puppies, as they need to complete a series of vaccinations. Your puppy receives some temporary immunity through its mother at birth, but that protection fades quickly, which can leave your puppy vulnerable to dangerous disease organisms. At our veterinary hospital, certain vaccinations are administered in your puppy’s first few exams. These vaccinations are known as “core” vaccinations because they are so critical for protecting canine health. Puppies should have their first vaccine by 9 weeks (in some circumstances we may recommend starting as early as 6 weeks) and a booster at both 12 weeks and 16 weeks.

These vaccinations can protect against the following:

  • Rabies – An invariably fatal neurological disease, mammals (including humans) can get rabies from the bite of an infected animal. The rabies vaccination is required by Texas law for dogs starting at 12 weeks. Another vaccine is administered one year later and every three years following.
  • Parvovirus – Canine parvovirus or “parvo” is both extremely contagious and extremely dangerous. It causes severe vomiting, diarrhea, intestinal damage, immune system failure and septic shock. The Distemper – Parvo (DHPP) combination vaccine is administered to puppies starting at 6-9 weeks of age through 16 weeks, then again one year thereafter and every one to three years thereafter, depending on whether a 1 year or 3 year vaccine was used. For adult canine vaccinations, the DHPP vaccine is administered followed by a booster in 1 year and then every three years thereafter.
  • Distemper – Canine distemper is a virus that can be transmitted through shared food/water or even through a sneeze or cough from an infected animal. Distemper causes fever, respiratory issues, nervous system damage, vomiting and seizures. The combination DHPP vaccine protects against distemper as well.
  • Leptospirosis – A bacterial disease that is spread through urine and can be passed along to humans. It affects kidney and liver function and can result in kidney inflammation, vomiting, and fever. When provided in conjunction with the DHPP vaccine it becomes the combination DHLPP. The Leptospirosis vaccine is administered to puppies starting at 12 weeks, with a booster at 16 weeks, and then yearly thereafter.

Non-core Vaccinations

Some dogs should receive other, non-core vaccinations as well, depending on their lifestyle. We offer non-core vaccinations to protect against the following:

  • CIV (Canine Influenza)(H3N2 and H3N8): CIV is spread through nasal and oral secretions. The vaccine can be administered at six weeks and requires an additional booster 2-4 weeks later. This is recommended for dogs that are frequently exposed to other dogs in a social environment, live in an apartment complex, grooming, training classes, or boarding.

  • Bordetella (sometimes called Kennel Cough): It is the result of a bacterial infection in the upper respiratory tract which is easily transmitted and results in a hacking cough. Your puppy can be vaccinated at six weeks and can be administered intranasally once a year. This vaccine is also recommended for dogs frequently exposed to other dogs in a social environment.

    We also offer the Rattlesnake and Lyme vaccines to those pet’s that may be exposed due to hunting or travel.

At Babcock Hills Veterinary Hospital we can advise you on the recommended schedule for booster shots — a critical step to ensure that your dog is always protected. Call us today to ensure your adult dog or puppy is vaccinated.
Babcock Hills Veterinary Hospital, your San Antonio veterinary hospital at 6600 Prue Road.

Feline Vaccinations

Kittens start receiving vaccinations at 8-9 weeks of age. All previously unvaccinated adult cats and kittens will need additional vaccinations and boosters approximately 3 weeks later. This must be accomplished in order for the vaccines to be effective.

**ALL cats and kittens should be tested for Feline Leukemia (FeLV) and Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). These viruses are potentially fatal and are contagious to other cats. Both viruses can be transmitted to kittens from their mother before they are born. If we know that a cat is infected with one of these viruses, we can be proactive in controlling the cat’s environment and managing clinical signs for optimal longevity and good health.

These vaccinations can protect against the following:

  • Rabies: Cats are vaccinated against rabies at 12 weeks of age and then every 1-3 years, depending on whether a 1 year or 3 year vaccine is used (required by Texas law). Rabies is transmitted from an infected animal via a bite wound. This disease is 100% fatal, and is transmissible to humans.
  • CVRP (Feline Distemper Virus): This is a combination vaccine-meaning one dose vaccinates against several viruses. It includes Feline Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus, Panleukopenia and Psittaci Viruses. Kittens receive this vaccine at 8-9 weeks of age, then every 3-4 weeks until 16 weeks of age. They receive a booster 1 year later and then it is administered every 3 years thereafter. If an unvaccinated adult comes in, it needs an initial vaccine and a booster 3 weeks later. Rhinotracheitis, Calicivirus and Psittaci Viruses are upper respiratory viruses. Feline Panleukopenia is a virus affecting the GI system, causing vomiting, diarrhea, dehydration and possibly death.
  • FeLV (Feline Leukemia): This vaccine is given initially at 9 weeks of age and boostered at 12 weeks of age. After this initial series, cats are given the vaccine annually. Unvaccinated adults need the initial vaccine and a booster 3 weeks later. This viral infection is transmitted from cat to cat by grooming, mating, biting, sharing litter boxes/food bowls (rarely transmitted by the sharing of litter boxes/food bowls). Infection is fatal – typically within 1 -2 years.