Laser Therapy is the use of a “cold” laser applied directly to the area being treated. The effects of laser therapy include improved healing time, pain reduction, increased circulation and decreased swelling. Conditions that can benefit from Laser Therapy are:
Osteoarthritis, joint pain, neck and back pain, Hip Dysplasia, burns, ligament sprains, chronic wounds, and edema and congestion of soft tissue. Post-surgical pain, after spay or neuter can also benefit from this therapy.
There is no patient sedation required and the experience is usually pleasing to the pet. A majority of patients may exhibit greater comfort and mobility within 12-24 hours after a laser treatment. Although improvement is often seen after the first treatment, with chronic conditions such as osteoarthritis, 6 treatments with maintenance treatments as needed are recommended, as the effects of the treatments are cumulative.
Please contact us if you have any questions as to whether your pet would benefit from this way of treating pain and other conditions. We have great literature as well if you would like us to send it to you or if you would like to pick up a brochure.